Response to Morgan David's Blogpost "Convincing A Human That Aliens Exist"

In the beginning of her article titled "Convincing A Human That Aliens Exist", Morgan David asks a question. "Have you ever had a conversation with a person but you just can't seem to get your point across?"

She goes on to reason that this is because of communication filters, and I don't disagree. But Morgan does not explain why or how this works the way it works.

I've always had an issue with having to explain my ideas and beliefs to people that just were not able to comprehend it, no matter how hard I tried to get my point across. I wasn't speaking a foreign language or yelling at them incoherently - what I was saying was perfectly fine. They were just completely unable to hear out my ideas and even consider their validity. 

It's nothing new that everyone in our society is conditioned to think a certain way from a very young age, and that that conditioning heavily influences a person's morals and beliefs. For instance, if both of your parents are Democrats, you're much more likely to have Democratic ideals. And in most cases, this is perfectly fine and positive for society. 

But it becomes an issue when certain circumstances arise. In government, for example. Politicians must be able to hear out an opposing side's argument before making their own case. It's important for them to recognize where another person is coming from, understand why they think what they think, and formulate their own opinion from there. It isn't just in politics, though - these communication filters stretch into many aspects of life, from accepting people based on their differences to even believing or disregarding the things we hear in the news. 

Going back to what Morgan said, yes, there are huge communication barriers all over our society. I agree with her in that as journalists, it's our job to decrease these filters as much as possible so we can effectively report the truth, and so people will interpret it as the truth.

By Lily Wobbe

To read Morgan's full article:

Also related: Ellie Thornsbury's article "Teaching A Sexist Person Feminism; Not Going to Happen"


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