Why I Watch Fox News (Response to Current Events Quizzes)

I watch Fox News.

I know, most of you are probably cringing right now thinking, "What? Fox News?! What are you thinking???" And I see your point.

While studying for our weekly current events quizzes, I couldn't help but notice the four sources we're given to study and four more liberal news sites (New York Times, Courier-Journal, NPR, WFPL). Not that there's anything wrong with them, of course.

However, a huge part of journalism is knowing the full truth so you can report the full truth. That includes hearing both/all political stances. Although you may not agree with something you hear in the news, it's an obligation of journalism that we take both/all sides into account. 

Of course, that doesn't mean that you have to believe everything you hear from every news source. Fact check anything that doesn't sound right, whether it was said by someone you agree with or disagree with. 

To make sure I'm giving every side a fair chance, I added Fox News to the list of news sites I check daily, and I'd encourage other people to do it, too. Although headlines from Fox News may not be on the current events quizzes, watching it makes me a more informed journalist (and human being), which is our job.

By Lily Wobbe


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