Hate Crimes and Hating Crime (Response to Satchel Walton's Blogpost "Drop by Drop Upon the Heart")

To quote Satchel Walton, "The actions of three people trying to counter a world in which all peoples live together in harmony will never define the first country built on enlightenment ideals and equality."

It broke my heart to hear about the Kroger shooting, Pittsburg shooting, and attempted bomb mailing that took place this past week. It was even sadder to hear about it in school on Monday. Even still, I was thankful that the J&C freshman classes came together to discuss the events in a truthful, respectful environment.

Reading Satchel's blog post was a great reminder of the class conversation and a good analysis of it and the events that took place. He says a few different times that hate crimes are on a increasing trend, and asks a question of the reader: Why is this happening?

We don't have solid, complete answers to that question or other related questions, but we do know that due to our country and world's political state that hate is at a recent high. In general, more Americans are generally angry, which leads to increased hate, which leads to increased hate crimes. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. At the end of the presentation in class, there was a list of ways we could deal with what we were feeling and resources to help people. I believe this is a huge step in the right direction. Communication is so important. Talking with other people should be encouraged.

When terrible times strike, we have two choices: crumble under the weight of the disaster or face the hardship and handle it. We are in America, land of the free and home of the brave. No matter how scary these times get, we must be brave.

By Lily Wobbe

Read Satchel's full article: http://satchelsjcblog.blogspot.com/2018/10/drop-by-drop-upon-heart-response-to.html


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