Response to Cassidy Adwell's Blogpost "News Media Critque: What Is Newsworthy?"

In Cassidy's media critique, she calls out the Courier Journal for publishing articles that do not apply to the majority people. She also says that the Courier Journal app is bad about showing articles that are important to readers, and is often sporadic when it comes to selecting which headlines are shown on the front page of the app. While I don't disagree that the Courier Journal has it's faults,  I have to back them up and refute some of the things in Cassidy's article. 

Firstly, Cassidy states that the Courier Journal published an article on the outcome of a game where UK played Florida. she says that this article was not newsworthy because the only people it impacts are Kentuckians and Floridians, and since it wasn't part of a larger national debate, it shouldn't have been in the news. I disagree. The Courier Journal is a local news source, and subsequently, their job is to report on local events. The UK-Florida game was a large local event. If the Courier Journal was a national news source, Cassidy would've been right, and that article shouldn't have been in the news. But it's something that was important to many local people that the Courier Journal serves.

In addition, Cassidy points out that on the Courier Journal app, the stories constantly go back and forth from breaking news stories to stories that have no meaning. I don't think this is something the Courier Journal chooses to on purpose. It's likely due to the app's algorithm or another software thing that can't be controlled. Also, there can't always be some breaking news story. It's normal and just fine that there be somewhat unimportant stories on the app when there aren't any more important stories to report on.

In conclusion, the Courier Journal isn't perfect, but they haven't majorly violated newsworthiness. 

By Lily Wobbe

To read Cassidy's full blogpost:


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